Between July 17 and 21st, 2023, we are proposing a unique scientific meeting that will combine a
summer-school (July 17-18th and 20th) and a symposium (July 19th).
The emphasis will be to promote scientific knowledge for students and young scientists in the context
of the partnership between France and Japan.
The topic is: Genome Stability and Organization
All living organisms face the challenge of copying their genetic material at each generation and
transmitting this material during cell divisions. Defects in many of these steps are the cause of cancers
and other pathologies in humans. The summer school of Genome Stability and Organization aims to
provide a series of advanced lectures on the topics of DNA replication, DNA repair, recombination,
chromosome segregation, meiosis, epigenetics, and chromatin/chromosome structure, which will be
presented by internationally renowned scientists from the field.
The summer school is in-person only and designed primarily for students (master and graduate).
Postdocs can apply, they will be accepted if space is available.
This summer school is organized by the Institute of Human Genetics with the University of Montpellier
and with the initiative of the Sasakawa Foundation, to promote France/Japan cooperation.
The symposium day (July 19th) is open to all upon registration.